Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles
News from the Farm
THIS Guy! CCNF Mjolnir Prepares To Work.
Knowing the odds of producing a legitimate next-level Herdsire male in any given birth class (read: a male WE want and need to use within our program to advance the proverbial ball), we’ve come to count ourselves as legitimately fortunate in recent years. That the likes of Bataclan, Perceus, Priam, Sovereign-Legacy, Idris, Snow King, Camden,…
The Fall Catchup (aka Where Have You Been?)
What’s that famous Twain quote/quip? “Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated?” Something like that. There’s been some stuff going on over the past several months, almost all of it good actually — from both a family and alpaca perspective, mind you — but, frankly, not all of it of the nature that has led…
CCNF at the 2024 AOA National Fleece Show: Elixir’s Posthumous Roadshow
Jennifer, the sole driver behind our fleece show entries, decided, on a relative whim, that she would, on second thought, enter 39 fleeces into the primary fleece show at Nationals, after all. After the events of the prior 18 months (you can read about those just by scrolling down elsewhere here at CCNF Chronicles), and…
Thank You to Our Parade of Champions Buyers!
We want to offer our thanks and congratulations to Nancy Chapel of Alpaca Country Estates in Terrebonne, OR, and to Faye and Jeff Farley of Majestic Meadows Alpacas in Medina, OH, for their acquisition of the two beautiful females we had consigned to last weekend’s Parade of Champions auction! Both CCNF Allara (Lot#10, headed to…
CCNF’s consignments to the 2024 Parade of Champions Auction!
Now that our friends at Celebrity Sales have completed their annual right of spring, we feel free to promote our consignments to the upcoming Parade of Champions Auction, to be held, as always, at Little Creek Farm in North Salem, NY May 31 to June 1, 2024! First off, is actually a substitution lot, after…
CCNF at the 2024 Alpaca Jamboree
Did I touch the box containing the ashes of my friend, CCNF Elixir, for good luck as we left our house early on Wednesday morning, April 3, to head to Harrisburg and the 2024 Alpaca Jamboree? I did, indeed. These superstitious tendencies run deep, particularly on my paternal side, so I was just leaning into…