2016 Parade of Champions, Lot #4: CCNF Antebellum

We have consigned three animals to the upcoming Parade of Champions sale, this year being held on June 4th, again at beautiful Little Creek Farm/Accoyo America in North Salem, NY. In an industry that has had to get decidedly leaner and meaner in recent times, the POC has endured and is indisputably the most prestigious private alpaca auction in the US, and we are always flattered to be asked to join the lineup there! As in past sales, our auction consignments usually tend to run with a theme of sorts and this year is to be no different. We are for the first time celebrating — and offering for sale — animals that represent the cross (or potential cross) of the lines of CCNF Elixir with both Snowmass Matrix Majesty as well as his cousin, Snowmass Conopa’s Kahuna. Much of what our breeding program accomplished over the past year was down to those crosses, and the fruit that it bore could be seen directly in our show results from this spring: namely a show string that took home 37 halter banners over the course of just 3 shows.
The first of our POC consignments, one of two females we will offer at the sale, is CCNF Antebellum. Antebellum is a medium brown Matrix Majesty daughter, with strong bits of both CCNF Archangel and our original great home-grown Herdsire, SuperNova, mixed in for good measure. Antebellum, as her name belies, is also just as importantly a member of the female line whose original matriarch was the great imported Accoyo super-dam, PPPeruvian Pachelbel. You can read Antebellum’s auction description on our Openherd pages here. Suffice it to say, that the important takeaway — aside from the obvious wonderfulness of the animal herself — is what her older aunt/paternal sister and doppelgänger, CCNF Prima Majesty, who was the original inspiration for making Antebellum in the first place, did when we bred her to Elixir. That resulting cria is named CCNF Dreadnought and he is rather special, to say the least. In the end, it is really quite simple: someone should buy Antebellum at the sale, breed her to Elixir, and reap the benefits, the genetic math already being as assured (our Elixir/Majesty crosses accounted for 2 Judges’ Choice Awards, 6 Championships, and 2 Reserve Championships so far in 2016…as juveniles) as it ever can be. More to follow soon…
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