There are few things more obviously joyous and playful that we as alpaca breeders get to witness than the post-show pasture pronk the show team animals inevitably go on whenever we first get home from an event and they get off of the trailers and run out into their respective paddocks, often greeted by their peers who stayed back here at the farm. Such was the scene last night around 7 PM. Only semi-lucid after we finally got down to the house, I had chips and guacamole for dinner last night while watching bad reality TV (is there any other kind, BTW?) in our kitchen as a family and it was just mind-numbingly perfect.
Now here we are, exhausted but happy in the 36 hour eye of the hurricane between the North American Alpaca Show/Northeast Alpaca Expo and our departure for the Futurity for which we leave tomorrow morning. The just completed double shows went almost as well as we could ever have hoped for with CCNF animals winning 7 Championships, 2 Reserve Championships, the Best B&O Male, and both male and female Judge’s Choice awards at the NAAS and then 7 Championships, 3 Reserves, the Best B&O Male, and again both JCs at the NAE. A lot of work went into producing all of those results…details on who won what to follow soon. The entire human team came home happy but undeniably knackered. Huge thanks and shout outs to our friends Sue, Vinny, and Dave, and of course our beloved Herd Manager, Kim Duprey, without whom the showing of 38 animals on consecutive days would have been completely untenable.
It was certainly nice to lay our heads at home last night without the accompanying narration/shrieks from the pre-teen cheerleading crew in the room next door until 3AM Sunday morning. Hey, no free lunch, right? Today we repack the trailers, do laundry, and cherish a final night’s rest here at home, them tomorrow we press on. Here we go!
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