A New Beginning…

Greetings alpaca world! Welcome to the new online home of Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles. The original CCNF Chronicles was the 11 year labor of love of yours truly, a quarterly newsletter that documented life, love, birth, death, child rearing, and various other misadventures here on the side of our mountain. After a decade of producing said newsletter 4 times a year and mailing out several thousand copies the, um…change (yeah, that’s the ticket!) in the economic climate caused us to decide that the our farm’s interests would be better served by taking our little shindig online.

So, what does this mean? For starters it means I’ll be subjecting our readership to more information, more often. Sorry. To those of you who were nice enough to show up at our farm’s website back in late June looking hopefully for this blog I must thank you for both your faith in us (we had actually stuck +/- to a fairly disciplined publishing schedule for the past 5 or 6 years) as well as your patience. The good news is we’re here. The bad news (for me at least) is I’ll only have a month or so prior to our traditional late September/early October publication date. I do still intend to stick (for now anyway) to some sort of quarterly schedule at least insofar as the major husbandry articles and farm updates are concerned. First on tap will be part 2 of Observations on the Geriatric Female Alpaca (Part 1 was in the final hard copy issue of CCNF Chronicles, Spring 2010). More shortly, thanks for reading!


  1. We miss not doing this for you — I always loved reading about your adventures at Cas-Cad-Nac Farm, I have put this link in my favorites file, so I can now keep up with you online —– good job! Hope all is well at the Lutz’s household.


  2. Hi Ian, I am loving this new adventure/blog site! B.K. and her girls are doing great, Zorro and Panda are growing into beautiful young “men,” and Julie’s boys , Fausto and Triad are also well.
    Talk to ya soon.

  3. THANKS for the wonderful job with the quarterly newsletter. I am old fashioned enough to enjoy reading print but recognize the need to change to this format. Best wishes to you in your new adventure. Know I will have to learn how to bookmark your website,,…darn
    Helen of Apple Creek Alpacas and Llamas, White Hall, IL

  4. Thanks for the email to remind me you are switching to this format for your newsletter. I will miss the hard copy arriving in the mail and certainly understand the need to move to an on-line format. I am a new, very small, breeder and have learned quite a bit reading your informative newsletter . . . . THANK YOU. Enjoyed the video you posted herding the alpacas up the hill, would love to see that in person! Your herd is stunning and I enjoy your news and photos.

    Deb – Northern Prairie Alpacas, Tolna ND

  5. Ian you always give me something to chuckle at while reading your articles. Informative and whitty, we look forward to the new online format. Hope you are enjoying this horribly hot summer and keeping cool.

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