At play in the land of the show girls

No no, not Las Vegas. Though now that I think of it with some of those untrimmed top knots they do look like they could be dancing on the strip, particularly during the evening pronks!
Having been off tending to other school/child related business when Jen and Kim started breeding some of the visiting females about ten days ago, today marked my first real day of starting to manage/facilitate the breeding of the females here on our farm. Especially this time of year I can never complain about my job being dull and monotonous. Every day is a little different. In addition to being the marketing/web person here at CCNF, from May to November I also handle (in many cases literally, though that’s another story!) about 90% of the breedings. Without actually crunching the numbers I would guess that will mean that between our females and the outside girls that come here for stud service that I will end up personally supervising some 120 to 150 individual acts of (attempted) reproduction before the calendar year is out. It certainly makes me double clutch sometimes this time of year when one of the parents at our kids’ school casually inquires what I did on any given day. Context is everything after all!
With time a little short today before I had to go and pick the kids up early at school, I decided to begin by looking in on the yearling members of our female show string today. Elite Legend and I had only to go for a short jaunt uphill to the Main Barn where Pixie, Lilah, Panamera, and Co. are still technically in quarantine. As you might guess from the photo at left, the mission was seemingly accomplished with the added bonus that we already know who EL’s next date will be tomorrow morning. I hope the boys all get some rest tonight ’cause we’re just getting warmed up!