Seasons of Change

Seasons of Change

We lost Jen’s Dad, Rodney Croft, this past December. While we know that the mortal coil waits for all of us, as the first of our four parents to leave us (and far too early, at the age of 76), Rod’s sudden death was a real gut punch. Given our line of work here on…

Coming Next Wednesday, 9/21 @ 1:30 PM Eastern: “Culling & Terminal Markets As Part of A Successful Breeding Program.”

Coming Next Wednesday, 9/21 @ 1:30 PM Eastern: “Culling & Terminal Markets As Part of A Successful Breeding Program.”

Fancy learning a little bit more about how Cas-Cad-Nac Farm’s business model and breeding program have evolved since our founding in 1997 and how you can apply those lessons to your alpaca breeding operation, all while watching my better half and I awkwardly interrupt each other for an hour or so? I mean, what could…