CCNF Elixir: operational!

CCNF Elixir: operational!

Cas-Cad-Nac Farm and A Paca Fun Farm are thrilled to announce that our not-quite-2-year-old (his birthday is August 9th) Champion Herdsire, CCNF Elixir, has settled his first females, with multiple pregnancies being confirmed via sonogram! Elixir had been in steady training for his real job since first going home to A Paca Fun Farm after the Futurity in…

Tinkerbell gets a new mommy

While we had hoped to try grafting our orphaned premie, Tinkerbell, onto the next experienced female that gave birth here anyway, sometimes a situation presents itself that is just too good to be true. Not that there wasn’t a dark side to this latest occurrence: Fawn Angel, who has been a part of our herd…

Oh, baby!

I’ve always had to remind myself to enjoy the calm whenever it is present this time of year. So often we are just dodging the proverbial trees throughout our summer birthing season, and this past week was a perfect example. Just 8 days ago we had a little dismature female born to our female, Alexandra….