North American show recap

North American show recap

There is considerable history for us with the North American Alpaca Show, the vast majority of it good. For starters, having helped to run the show itself throughout its first 10 years of existence, it has managed to ingrain/ingratiate itself into our little family’s annual rhythm. In fact as I was coming to around 5:15…

Rounding into form

Though we have not been helped by the cold/flu/stomach-bug-to-be-named-later making its way through the ranks of the CCNF alpaca trainers, it is possible now with just over a week to go before we head down to Springfield, MA for this year’s edition of the North American Alpaca Show, to see the light at the end…

Walk this way

Though it hasn’t yet showed up on the calendar, to the knowing eye Spring has arrived here on the farm already. The soaking rain which hit us earlier in the week pretty much wiped out our snow pack so that all of the farm’s Herdsires, show animals, and weaners at the two lower barns are…

Herdsire additions…

Herdsire additions…

Nothing terribly profound here. I just got around in the past couple of days to doing the official write-ups for a few of our “newer” boys at the CCNF Stud Barn. You can read the drivel on both Snowmass Sub-Zero and Snowmass Conopa’s Kahuna, here and here. We’re pretty psyched about what they will both…