Herd Health Days

Herd Health Days

I think we just set a speed record for a full herd health session with all 230 animals getting their Ivomec shots, any scheduled vaccines, ADE paste (in the case of anyone < 1 year of age), as well as their bi-monthly toe nail trims over the course of a couple of days. With the…

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Aside from the fact that there may be some fuses lit later tonight, today is really just another midsummer’s day here at CCNF. We did finally have our first cria born in over a week early yesterday morning. It always makes us a little nervous when there are no births coming at regular intervals as…

Life, Love, & Florence

Life, Love, & Florence

We finally made it home late last night from our family trip to Italy after a brief — and unplanned — 24 hour layover in Munich, Germany. Having failed to make our homebound connection to Boston on Monday afternoon, we learned that German Holiday Inns are just like the Holiday Inns here except that they…



I’m admittedly not at home as I’m posting this as we are all still in Italy for 6 more days celebrating my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary. Yes, yes…pain and suffering abounds. Just the same I thought I’d put up the photo below which I took last week the day before we left the farm. This…

Tree dodging

Some parts of each year are just like this. We of course try to be as proactive as possible about things both in our family life as well as with stuff pertaining to the animals in the herd (as if that were really separate) but ultimately there come moments — and suspiciously they seem to…