Weaner Time

Weaner Time

I hope everyone reading this has had a safe and enjoyable Holiday season given the challenges and realities of the world as it currently stands. The most recent (and in relative terms, welcome) drama around these parts, was going from having 41″ of snow fall on 12/17, leading to what could have potentially been the…

Research conducted at CCNF published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science

Research conducted at CCNF published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science

We are pleased to announce that the peer-reviewed journal, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, has published the article titled “Birth of a Live Cria After Transfer of a Vitrified-Warmed Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Preimplantation Embryo.” Though the conception, vitrification, implantation, and birth of CCNF Exuberant Frost Blossom-ET (that being the registered name of the cria that resulted,…