Props to the teenage boys.

Props to the teenage boys.

Whenever we do herd health here there are inevitably any number of jokes made at the expense of our weanling/yearling males. They are after all going through some ongoing process of simultaneously missing their mothers while also discovering their independence (and their sexuality) with the added edge that only an influx of testosterone can offer….

I miss my coffee…

Sorry but this has NOTHING to do with alpacas. I have to cut back my coffee? Really? *@@#%%%!!! This is what happens when you go and get a checkup.  All right, so maybe 4 daily large mugs of high-test was a bit much. As a relatively healthy 39 year old I had avoided going to…

A Winter of Celibacy at the Stud Barn: Now Girls Put Your Ears Back and Say “No, No, No!”

So this morning I did (facilitated would be a better word) what should be the final 2010 breeding within the CCNF foundation herd, that is females which we own whom will most likely be birthing out here in 2011. In recent times we have tried to get more and more disciplined about trying to constrict…