Cas-Cad-Nac Farm’s Consignments at the 2010 National Elite Alpaca Auction: Lot #48 CCNF Angel Wing
This post was supposed to go up yesterday but I was mired in Photoshopland (making up placards for the NEAA fleece display boxes), a place to which I shall be returning shortly. Anyway…
Over the years it has sometimes been a struggle to present a good range of genetic diversity for us at the Elite, particularly when one really wants to be known for presenting a slate that is quality first, with the question of quantity a very distant second. This year’s sale includes three Archangel daughters from us, though admittedly from completely different maternal lines. Angel Wing comes from a dam, Nieva, who is for all intents and purposes an Australian/Peruvian import. In addition to their dam, Angel Wing’s big sister, CCNF Nazca (not to be confused with their granddam of the same name) is also a fixture here in the breeding barn and has already produced CCNF Shockwave (who just won two more blue ribbons the last couple of weeks at Green Mountain and Empire) out of our beloved SuperNova, and an as yet unnamed but VERY interesting 2010 son out of CCNF Talon, last year’s NEAA headliner who now resides in the UK. The point being that Angel Wing has some pretty heady stuff flowing through those veins of hers.

Anyone that has bred alpacas knows that though the male is responsible for choosing the gender of a given cria, some females really just seem to throw one or the other. Such is the case with Angel Wing’s magnificent dam, Nieva, whom we brought down from Canada as a youngster more than 8 years ago. In fact Angel Wing makes it 3 for 3 (now 4 for 4 with a little sister born in July) with her dam and sire, the one and only Archangel. Her middle sister sold at last year’s National Elite and her eldest full sibling, Nazca, is happily planted in our foundation herd where her first cria, CCNF Shockwave, could be seen as a member of our 2010 show string. With the fleece and phenotype already in place the goal was to not mess Angel Wing up when we bred her! As such we are offering her bred to our full Accoyo Snowmaster son, Snowmass Incaaccoyo Star. Please check at sale time for a reproductive update.
Sire: CCNF Archangel (ARI # 845823)
Dam: MMR Nieva (ARI # 831134)
To see all of our consignments to the 2010 National Elite Alpaca Auction in one place (as well as the 57 other lots in the sale!) please click here to go to the online preview at Celebrity Sales’ web site. You can also RSVP for the sale by clicking here!