CCNF at the Priority auction!

We are thrilled to announce that for the 2nd year in a row we have animals consigned to the Priority alpaca auction! Coming up on the 17th & 18th of January in Las Vegas, NV, the Priority is an event not to be missed. Though last year was our first time there as sellers, we’ve always liked the vibe of the sale ever since we first flew out there years ago to check it out (read: watch an alpaca auction, play some blackjack, see a couple of shows). Silver Penn Sales and TnT Farms, who are the sale’s hosts, both do an excellent job of creating a fun, high-energy venue that showcases the sale alpacas very nicely without feeling overdone. Ironic, I know, given that the city it’s being held in is pretty much the world headquarters of over the top everything and well, for a long weekend…it’s just perfect!
We have consigned two beautiful females for the 2014 (that feels odd) auction. Lot #10 in the sale is CCNF Honeysuckle, who is a two-time Reserve Champion daughter of our 2013 Futurity Herdsire of the year, Snowmass Matrix Majesty. Our second female, Lot #54, is CCNF Fortuna, a daughter of CCNF Royal Ring of Fire who just finished up her first two shows ever with a pair of blue ribbons this fall. Rather than drone on in greater detail here, you can just follow the links to their auction pages here for Honeysuckle and here for Fortuna both which include all of the pertinent information!
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