CCNF at Weathersfield’s 250th Anniversary
So for those of you that aren’t aware, Cas-Cad-Nac Farm is in fact located in the rather large town of Weathersfield, VT. It’s a classic New England thing. Perkinsville, which appears in our mailing address is just a small village, one of severalĀ within Weathersfield, which lies some 7 miles southwest of us. However since our rural delivery originates at a PO which bears that village’s name, we list ourselves as such in our contact information. In the past that occasionally led to farm visitors showing up all exasperated, having driven up and down the main drag of Perkinsville before calling us for directions but such are the realities of a rural existence.
Yesterday marked the celebration of Weathersfield’s founding in 1761 and we were invited to participate. The town has a deep history of agriculture (dairy and Merino sheep) though much of that has faded here in the early 21st Century. Perhaps especially for that reason, it was nice to be able to remind our community that very real agriculture is still taking place within Weathersfield’s borders (on the side of it’s beloved Mt. Ascutney no less), even if we do view ourselves as relative interlopers, having only arrived on the scene in 1995.
In the the end participation yesterday took very little exertion on our part anyway. Having chosen four yearling males as well as one little guy (his name is Booger: you can draw your own conclusions), we drove our small trailer over across the valley to the Weathersfield Center Road to take part in the midday celebratory parade. Jen, Sam, and Max along with our nieces Lilah and Eve each took one of the critters who, with one exception, acted as though they are in parades with mini donkeys, antique cars, and motorized Shriner Clown Brigades all of the time. Not having done an open farm day in a few years it was at the very least a chance us to chat again with lots of neighborhood folks we might not have otherwise seen. The kids had a grand old time eating hamburgers and cotton candy and as always the gospel of alpacadom got spread just a little bit further. Happy Birthday Weathersfield!