Just because I’m paranoid…

The 30+ male weaners of the 2011 birth class follow me out into the far reaches of their paddock. Note the relative lack of color: white with testicles was very en vogue last year.

…doesn’t mean I’m not being followed. The picture at left was what happened when I went out into the weaner boy feed group this afternoon with my trusty camera in hopes of actually getting some pictures. Silly me. Curiously enough, their female counterparts were conversely rather sassy with me and struck a resulting pose or two. I could analogize to young human adolescents of both genders until I’m blue in the face on that one. It was like junior high all over again but with 4 legs and fleece. Nothing like feeling extremely needy (do YOU have milk?) and trying to establish one’s place in the world all at once.

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