Knackered but happy
Man, was it ever nice to actually sleep through last night here at home, even if the residual adrenaline of the road trip did initially keep me up past my normal bedtime. At some point on Monday evening as my friend Ryen Munro and I were driving our way back home through the cornfields of Iowa, it hit me that with the NAAS and the Futurity both behind us, that CCNF’s spring show season was actually over. Just. Like. That. You spend weeks — arguably months even — preparing for a show like the Futurity but then in just 2 short but hectic days (the showing was actually Sunday/Monday post-auction) it’s all over and done with. Phew!
Though we normally would have planned on making at least a token appearance (read 15 to 20 animals instead of 30) at both the Northeast Expo and perhaps AOBA Nationals (with fleeces if nothing else), scheduling conflicts with some events at our kids’ school means that we are 2 and out this spring. While it might just be the fatigue speaking, having just driven 48 hours round trip to the Futurity and back, I have to say that I’m not all that disappointed knowing that we are done with the show ring until some time in October. To quote the late great Graham Chapman of Monty Python fame, “Stop that…it’s silly!” Granted, it’s easier to feel that way after the results that some of our critters garnered over the weekend but more on all of that in the days to come.
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