Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles
News from the Farm
New Herdsire Listings for 2019!
We have just updated our Herdsire listings for the upcoming breeding season! Granted, several of these listings are somewhat aspirational in nature as the boys in question — Declan, Idris, Magnar, Priam, Privateer, Snow King, and Sovereign-Legacy — have yet to even do the deed, so to speak, to say nothing of already having a…
CCNF Named 2019 Futurity Breeder of the Year
It’s official: Cas-Cad-Nac Farm was awarded Futurity Breeder of the Year honors in the Large Farm Division for the 3rd year running! A lot of blood, sweat, and tears goes into making that happen, so thanks to all of the friends, family, and staff here at the farm that make it all possible. Special shout-out…
CCNF Females at the 2019 Parade of Champions Auction!
We are so grateful to Lynn Edens of Little Creek Farm/Accoyo America/Snowmass Alpacas (LaCFAASA!) for including us yet again in her superb event coming up later this month in North Salem, NY! On the off-chance that you, my dear reader, are either a non-alpaca person (in which case, welcome to a wee slice of our…
Irish Meadows’ Elite Max Joins the Fray!
So this is honestly kind of old news at this point but we thought we’d make it official nonetheless! After months of quietly but persistently pestering Mike and Julie Delaney of Irish Meadows Alpacas, we finally got them to agree to sell us half of their amazing 27x Champion (including 9 Judges’ Choice awards) Herdsire,…
CCNF at the 2019 Futurity
I can’t quite say that the run out and back to Kansas City, MO for the annual Futurity Show & Sale has gotten to be old hat. The simple fact is that there are just too many variables with a team of 40ish alpacas, two trailers, and 46+ hours of drive time to take anything…
Thank You To Our Futurity Buyers!
Thank you to Daryl & Shirley Krause of Amber Autumn Alpacas in Oregon and to Libby Forstner and Faye Farley & family of Majestic Meadows Alpacas in Ohio for their purchases of CCNF Oh Be Joyful and CCNF Arusha respectively at the 2019 Futurity Sale! Both of our young females are going to top breeding…