Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles
News from the Farm
This, That, and The Other Thing – 2020 Summer Crazy Edition
Hello friends! Sorry not to have posted anything here in a while but some times things take on a life of their own on a farm of our size. I’ll also freely admit, that though in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic writing about life on the farm does at times feel like a nice…
Spring Happenings: Thou Shalt Get Naked and Eat Green Grass!
For the better part of the past 2 months now, we have had the company of not just our college-aged sons but also their respective girlfriends. Though the grocery bills from feeding a household of 6 people that includes 4 20-somethings have been occasionally eye watering, it has actually been really nice having the extra…
Thank You Broad Creek Alpacas!
Well, that was kind of fun actually! In the face of the Corona virus pandemic, the 2020 Futurity Sale was moved to a live online format, using the site Proxibid, with the entirety of the Celebrity Sales auction team simulcasting from different locations spread out between Oregon and Nebraska and…it actually worked. Well done team!…
CCNF Isoletta, 2020 Futurity Sale, Lot #35
Two videos in two days: it’s almost as if the Lutz family is stuck on the farm or something with nothing better to do? Oh. CCNF Isoletta (CCNF Isola x CCNF Angiolo, AOA #35549451) is the beige juvenile female we have consigned to the online 2020 Futurity auction which is taking place on Saturday April…
CCNF Requiem en Rose, 2020 Futurity Sale, Lot #9
Hey look: there is actual green grass in the video – a sure sign of spring and hope! CCNF Requiem en Rose (CCNF Sunstarlight x CCNF Elixir, AOA #35491446) is the beige yearling female we have consigned to the upcoming online 2020 Futurity auction which is taking place on Saturday April 18 at 3:30 PM…
You Give Us Futurity Sale Lemons…
And we will do our level-best to make a kick-ass Futurity Sale Lemonade! Or something like that. Circumstances being what they are, with all alpaca events understandably cancelled for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus outbreak, Celebrity Sales gave their consignors the option of participating in an online auction, to be held on the…