Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles

News from the Farm

Thank You Broad Creek Alpacas!

Well, that was kind of fun actually! In the face of the Corona virus pandemic, the 2020 Futurity Sale was moved to a live online format, using the site Proxibid, with the entirety of the Celebrity Sales auction team simulcasting from different locations spread out between Oregon and Nebraska and…it actually worked. Well done team!…
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You Give Us Futurity Sale Lemons…

And we will do our level-best to make a kick-ass Futurity Sale Lemonade! Or something like that. Circumstances being what they are, with all alpaca events understandably cancelled for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus outbreak, Celebrity Sales gave their consignors the option of participating in an online auction, to be held on the…
Read More You Give Us Futurity Sale Lemons…