Cas-Cad-Nac Farm Chronicles

News from the Farm

Scary moment today…

So there I was getting ready to head off to pick the boys up from their first day of school today when I get a call on my cell that instantly raised the hair on the back of my neck. “There’s a fire out here in the pasture off of the Arena!” There was indeed….
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A Lamentation for Summer…

Our farm is located geographically in an area of nearly unmatched beauty. We are surrounded by almost as much wilderness as it is possible to be without feeling disconnected from the outside world altogether. Things feel balanced here. Admittedly the advent of broadband internet access and satellite TV obviously play no small part in that…
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Take it all off (baby).

Some of the more frequently asked questions we field from other breeders and prospective alpaca owners, particularly this time of year, relate to the shearing of crias. Do we do it? If so, at what age and what are the benefits of doing so versus the downside of just leaving the tui fleece (the fleece…
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Not a bad place to live…

Admittedly it’s not always with a hop, skip, and a jump that we drag one of our carcasses up to the Arena each early morning during birthing season to see what gifts our due girls may have bestowed upon us. Having said that though, even my half awake, uncaffeinated self gets a little slack jawed…
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Making technology work for us!

Hi All, My good friend, Blogmaster, and fellow alpaca breeder, Terry Miller of Snowshoe FarmĀ Alpacas, has just helped me set up an RSS feed (see buttons on the left hand side bar) for the blog here. I quite honestly don’t have a very good grip on how an RSS even works but am hoping that…
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