Some alpaca coverage in Vermont Life
Our good friends Ron and Terry Miller originally started Snowshoe Farm Alpacas in nearby Hartland, VT many years ago before deciding to sell the house they had built there and move the whole operation up north to the town of Peacham. Though we don’t get to see each other as much as we might like (we’re now 1.5 hours apart instead of 10 minutes) we do still get together for dinner every few months in a neutral location to catch up, gossip, and just shoot the breeze.
I know very few people in the alpaca business that work and hustle as hard as these two do so it was a pleasant surprise, and a just reward, to see the Millers featured in the Spring issue of Vermont Life magazine. Though I haven’t laid my hands on a hardcopy version yet — which reportedly has a bigger photo spread — you can see the online version of it here.
As long as I am shamelessly plugging my friends I should also point out that in addition to be being an exemplary alpaca breeder Terry is also my blog guru ( was her creation) and webmaster. Snowshoe Farm’s own blog can be found here.
Thanks Ian! The compliments mean a lot coming not only from friends but also from respected colleagues. Perhaps our mutual admiration society should meet over a chicken of wine…