CCNF Archangel, Champion alpaca

Archangel at your service.

Some big news heading into the 2012 breeding season: for the first time in over 4 years CCNF Archangel will again be open for outside stud services! After talking it over with our friends and co-owners at Tripping Gnome Farm Alpacas, breedings to the Arch will be offered at $4,000 with a $500 discount available…

Then there was this guy!

Then there was this guy!

Bellagio is admittedly one young boy that slipped through the sales list cracks. He was a relatively late birth in 2010 and as such was really off of our radar screen a bit, not having been ready for show duty yet last spring. As the picture shows, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t worth the wait…

Getting our Bells rung

Getting our Bells rung

Sorry not to have posted as much lately. The truth is I didn’t expect that any of you would find stories of commutes to and from school/soccer practice/games mixed in with exciting tales of rain falling on an alpaca farm all that exciting. New England as a whole (yours truly included) has also spent the…