Baby Bells

Baby Bells

One of the trends that we’ve really started to see play out here at CCNF over the past 4 or 5 months has been the clustering of mother-daughter (Magdalena along with her adult daughters Johanna and Lilah, Reality and her daughters Nutmeg and Acomani, Sugar Snow and Sugar Drop, etc…) groupings or female sibling pairs…



Sorry to have been off of the radar screen recently. Though I try to post something new here at least once every week, end of the summer craziness combined with a virus that laid the resident blogger low for almost 10 days all conspired together.  In any case, with our kiddos having returned to school…

The plot thickens

The plot thickens

So while we will openly confess that our former white show girl, Pristine, was bred last year to Snowmass Matrix Majesty on a bit of whim-and-a-prayer, the result seen in the accompanying picture kind of speaks for itself (himself actually). Having bred her to SuperNova as a maiden in 2010, in what was one of…

Sales listings updated

Sales listings updated

So I have to confess that keeping up to date sales listings on our various presences on the web has not always been my, um…strong suit. Particularly this time of the year when between breeding and birthing  — which are pretty much a constant from May through October — it’s very easy to find other more…

Cria grafting again

Cria grafting again

So there we were on Thursday all excited because our former show girl, Isabella Star, had just given birth to her 2nd cria ever and was actually letting the little guy nurse.  You see her first cria from last year — the one and only infamous Booger, who it should be noted is now down…

Happy 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!

Aside from the fact that there may be some fuses lit later tonight, today is really just another midsummer’s day here at CCNF. We did finally have our first cria born in over a week early yesterday morning. It always makes us a little nervous when there are no births coming at regular intervals as…