Thank You!
We just had a fantastic weekend in Bend, Oregon at the Snow Diamond Select auction! Thank you to the Greene family of Snow Diamond Alpacas for including us in their lovely event! While the sale was of course the primary reason for returning to Bend, we had also been invited to come and stay over the long weekend with our dear friends Pam Brewster and Sylvie Remingol of Stillmeadow Farm, who are in the process of house/farm hunting in that neck of the woods. Also, in addition to the sale itself, Jennifer took part in a round table presentation and Q & A session on embryo transfer, along with her colleagues and fellow ET practitioners, Jude Anderson and Rhonda Deschner. All good!
Perhaps I’m getting slightly less resilient (read: more whiny) in middle age but on top of any number of other reasons that I would never want to be an alpaca judge (let’s start with doing your job right and still having at least 90% of the room pissed off at you), it turns out that visiting a place for 4 days with a 3-hour time difference is just the right amount of time to acclimate your bio-clock to the new time zone, before then heading home and having to do it all over again. Mercifully, I had caffeine in my corner.
Many many thanks to our buyers and new customers: Tim and Eldonna Graber of North Plains Alpacas in Oregon for their purchase of CCNF Amora and to Donna Atkins of Broadcreek Alpacas in Virginia for her purchase of CCNF Dominique! In the case of the Grabers, there is actually a chance of some future reverse genetic engineering as the female we had purchased from them a couple of years back at the Futurity Sale, NPA Peruvian Peony, was just bred earlier this summer to none other than Amora’s nephew, CCNF Bataclan (an Elixir son out of her full sister, Daliance). I guess we’ll all wait and see what Peony has in the summer of 2019…Regardless, we look forward to seeing what both Amora and Dominique can do for their new owners! As ever, we are grateful that folks continue to put their trust and money in both us and our breeding program.
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