The gang is all here
At least that can be said of the alpacas. The human contingent, on the other hand, is operating at perhaps 1/2 to 3/4 power after coming down with the cold/flu bug over the past several days (both of our kids were home sick on Monday) in at least two of the households on the farm. Knock on wood, I seem to be doing ok so far. Perhaps the benefit of having licked the floor a lot in Guatemala as a young child?
The first day of spring yesterday greeted us with about 6″ to 8″ of snow on the ground, making the continued walking of the show string weaners a bit of a challenge, though I did manage to slip around a bit with a few them up at the Main Barn while Jen got caught up on some paperwork in her office there. No round pen training in those conditions though, we needed someone slipping out and breaking a leg like a hole in the head. With the sun out just long enough yesterday to melt the snow off of the road and our house’s circular driveway by the end of the day though, we woke up to much better conditions this morning for putting the rookie show critters through their paces. The big question for today will be whether we can sufficiently prop up Jen and Kim (who are both fighting off the yuck) with enough cold meds to make them functional…
Follow me on Twitter @CCNFalpacas
Totally Scrumptious is she the one in the middle.. Wow..
If so you named her right…
Hi Eric,
Yes, she is named very appropriately but we get no credit for naming her, just for buying her: she and her momma, Truly Scrumptious, were part of the crew we brought over from TGF!
Is she on your show string? For Sale ?
She will most likely make the show string at some point before we breed her next year though having taken her weaning rather hard, she’ll be spending the spring here at home. We had been giving the Munros grief about selling us her dam for years and the opportunity finally presented itself last fall. Not cheap but worth every penny!