We are never ever getting back together again (until 2014 anyway).

With apologies to Ms. Swift, we call this meeting to adjournment. We’re done, we’re out. If you are a female alpaca on this farm that did not get bred yet as of late last week, well then no offense to you, but I officially don’t care until after shearing day in May at the earliest, and in all probability not really even until July 1st of 2014 when our in-house breeding season will begin in earnest again. Though our beloved Ascension is due with the final baby of 2014 in the middle of *next* month (deck the halls with cria sweaters…), by shutting down Ian and his pimpin’ truck and trailer filled with Herdsires right now, we are calling shenanigans on this silly cold weather birthing business for the rest of the year to come. Simply stated, the goal — perhaps fantasy? — is to head off to the fall shows next October with all of the 2014 birth class on the ground. Crazy talk, I know. We are attempting to walk the walk, practice what we preach, or any other euphemism you can think of that is of that general ilk. It is now temporarily safe again to shake Ian’s hand when arriving on the farm in the middle of the day. If for no other reason than you now know where it hasn’t been earlier in the day. 😉
So what’s an unemployed alpaca pimp to do with the official arrival of the offseason, you ask? You and your leading questions are far too kind! Well for starters, the farm’s sales listings have been neglected for the better part of three months now. As we got through the craziness of the fall show season (and the small matter of October baseball at Fenway Park) and drove our kids hither and yon during the start of the school year and their respective soccer practices or games which of course, as is the nature of a rural existence, were always taking place some 30 miles apart from each other, my maintenance of our various presences on the web — to say nothing of this blog — was necessarily neglected far more than I would have liked. That changes now I say! There are several exciting younger animals that will be making an appearance in our sales listings for the first time between now and the end of the year. And though they are each still a little too innocent yet to be thrown to the proverbial wolves down at our Stud Barn, both CCNF Defiance and TGF Legit will be joining that crew at least virtually as they get write-ups in our Herdsire listings, in anticipation of next spring and summer. Though he was unable to achieve a confirmed pregnancy at the ripe old age of 21 months in his first 2 breeding attempts back in October (again the weather was getting cold so as in the picture above, uncle Majesty stepped in), Defiance was a gamer nonetheless and we are definitely looking forward to folding those two boys into our program here next season. The bottom line being to stay tuned. It’s about to get more interesting, not less so…
Follow me on Twitter @CCNFalpacas
It’s always interesting at your farm Ian…that we can always be sure of! Sue